L.M. Mountford

Lady Of Misery

Lady Of Misery

Harry Burke abandoned his life eight years ago after a terrible fire stole the only things in this life he ever loved: his flesh and blood.

Eight years is a long time to bear the burden of vengeance. But Harry is nothing but the memories of that night and the only way to escape them is to find justice for those he had to put in the ground. When Harry returns to Portland after hearing rumors of more fires and murders—that match the deaths of his family to a tee—he happens upon a young woman reeling in the aftermath of her own loss.

Posie Pyke, a vibrant young woman living in farm country on the outskirts of Portland, finds herself caught on her brother’s farm one fateful evening. Like Harry, she loses everyone she cares about to fire and… something else.

Something wicked.

At first, she’s sure she’s imagining things, but when a certain man with an affinity for cigarettes and annoying the police crosses her path, she realizes there is more to him than meets the eye. Posie needs Harry if she’s ever going to survive this storm.

And it turns out Harry needs her too.

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