L.M. Mountford

The Unlucky Waitress

The Unlucky Waitress

Ethan Knight is one of many billionaires who frequent Suave –
The social club I just started waitressing at.
He’s no different than the rest of them.
Just another cynical businessman
who thinks everything can be bought and sold.

But Ethan pushes his money-making theories to the extreme.
His newest bright idea is that even love is a product he can sell…
With the right marketing strategy.

His partner says he has to prove it.
And how is he going to do that?
With a friendly wager of course.
If he can find some lucky woman,
Make her fall in love with him and marry him in a month…
He’s all in. He’ll front the costs of their newest venture.

Ethan is too cocky to ever turn down a bet.
Guys like him think they’re invincible to losing.
Too bad I was the woman who ended up in his crossfire.

I’m not a fan of his philosophies on life or love.
So his usual charms don’t work on me.
He thought I was a safe bet,
but he couldn’t have been more wrong.

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