L.M. Mountford

Used Together

Used Together

We’re months behind on our rent and if we don’t pay it this week, we’re getting tossed out in the street. But we’ve got a plan to a Make all our problems go away. We’re heading to the local club to get used and work off our entire debt in a single evening.
My Himbo Boyfriend Matt used to fool around with guys all the time before we got together. I love when he tells me the stories. And tonight, I get to see it for real.

I’m a bundle of nerves about tonight. It’s been a long time since I’ve hooked up with a guy and this is jumping in at the deep end with both feet. I used to go to the ‘Hole In The Wall’ back in my heyday and the clientele are hung. But we need the money and besides, Hayley’s so excited I can’t help but smile.

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