L.M. Mountford

Worth The Risk

Worth The Risk


When I was seventeen, I fell in love. It was incredible, earth shattering, but most of all, it was heartbreaking. He walked away without an explanation. Without saying goodbye.

He was simply gone.

But five years later, I walk into a room and he’s there. He had been only hours away from me all these years. I often imagined how a reunion between us would be. Would I run into his arms, kiss him and tell him I still love him?

No, I slugged him.


I knew the day would come when I’d have to face Skylar. I made a decision years ago that I’ve always questioned. Always wondered if it was the right choice. I was torn between the woman lying in my bed and the best friend who was giving me the opportunity for a better life.

Skylar deserved better than me. I chose the Royal Bastards MC.

Now, she’s here, having been brought to the club for protection. Our reunion didn’t go as I imagined it would. There was no sweet embrace, no words even exchanged. She marched right up to me and punched me in the face.

I knew right then and there, I never stopped loving her. Thing is, the Royal Bastards have rules. I live and die by them. If I break them, I’m out. I’ll lose my patch and lose the family I have.

Is Skylar worth the risk?

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