Ace: Sin City MC Oakland Chapter

Stanton ‘Ace’ Jacobs has always been catered to. Always been told how to act; how to dress; who to socialize with, by his grandfather who raised him after his parents were killed in an accident. When his grandfather passes away, he became the sole heir of the Jacobs fortune, and seized the chance to get away from the life of privilege. Seeking a sense of belonging and family he never had, he found the brothers of Sin City and sunk his money into something that was totally his, not attached to the Jacobs name. Sinful Desire was his baby and he’d do what he could to protect it, and his brothers, including crushing kneecaps of World Series Champion catchers. But when Jevry Demery crashes into his life, something about her takes a hold of him and suddenly, his protective instincts are activated. But with police down his back at every turn, can he afford to tackle whatever she’s running from? His heart is saying yes, but his head is steering him away. Will Ace go against his logic and go with his heart?

Jevry Demery is on her way to Oakland to start her new life, but before she can even make it there, someone is trying to kill her. She’s been ran into a ditch, not to mention the unexpected visit and yelling match with her ex in her apartment complex parking lot. She has no idea who would do this to her or why. Crashing into a light pole in the parking lot of a club, she wakes up on the couch of the owner, Stanton Jacobs, who for some reason has decided she needs his protection. But Jevry has always taken care of herself and doesn’t need an outlaw to watch after her. But with the escalation of the attempts on her life, a curt, no nonsense biker may be just what she needs to make her not regret her decision to move to Oakland. Can Jevry and Ace find out who and why someone is after her? And in the process can she protect her heart as well as he’s protected her body?

The members of Sin City MC never leave before all the cards are played.

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