Games of Love Part One
Rhett has always believed that love was for fairy tales. After seeing his friend ache for love for so long, he knew that love didn’t exist. Much less for love at first sight to exist. No, that was only the stuff of romance movies.
That is until his eyes landed on the curvaceous bartender who won’t even give him the time of day.
Chrissy has always played by the rules and has always kept herself out of trouble. The only time an authority figure has truly ever questioned her, was when she was a witness to someone else’s wrongdoings.
And that cowboy who keeps staring and trying to start up a conversation with her?
Boy, was he wrong in all the right ways.
When two different worlds collide and their meeting brings about new meanings to old words, they realize just how much love demands.
Its cost is heavy. And dangerous.
Will it even be worth it in the end?
And just when they had come to a solution on their collision course, they must face a challenge that neither of them could’ve seen coming.
Just how far will they go?