Her Contractor
For Season 1 of my home renovating show Hallie’s Homes, I couldn’t get far enough away from my general contractor. New season, new contractor, new problem. Jaxon is the kind of stud I am not used to seeing on the jobsite.
Unfortunately, he treats me like lead based paint. I’m the dreadful thing he can’t wait to get rid of. My heart insists on wanting him, even though he can’t stand to be around me. What happens when we are together and the cameras are off?
I’ve worked on a renovation show before and to say it left me with a bad taste in my mouth is an understatement. Hallie’s Homes shouldn’t be any different but I will do whatever I can to earn enough money to buy back my grandparents’ house.
The wrench in my plans is the little designer, Hallie herself. She’s everything I want but I know it’s all an act for the show. I may be lusting after her TV personality and the sexy body she hides under that pink tool belt, but that’s as far as I’ll let it get. To keep her at arm’s length, I will be the biggest jerk on the show. Seeing Hallie alone and away from the cameras shows me I may not have been reading the blueprints right. Hallie is a lot more than a beautiful exterior, and now I want to be a lot more than just her contractor.