Holding Hannah


I’ve known Tanner since I was seven years old, when his little sister announced that I was her best friend. Throughout the years, I became a little sister to Tanner and siblings. But this last year has him more on my mind, wondering what if.

What if we were more?

What would happen?


I’ve watched Hannah grow up over the years-from an annoying seven year old who my sister befriended, to a gorgeous, vibrant woman. Life hit her hard when her dad got sick, she jumped in with two feet and took care of what needed to be done. Now she is succeeding at running the family business.

But who takes care of her?

Would she let me take care of her?

Hannah worries that the Baker family will frown upon her and Tanner having a relationship. She also worries about losing her extended family if things with Tanner go south. But she can’t put him off for much longer, not after he had a taste of her. As they navigate their new relationship, unbeknownst to the family, tragedy strikes and they can’t keep the secret any longer.

Will the family approve?

What happens when their secret relationship is revealed?

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