Irresistible Temptation

Holding on to his vows grows harder day by day, but the temptation is like a sweet elixir he can’t get enough of.


Desire. Longing. Call it what you will but I can’t fight these feelings much longer.

Chris is the man of my dreams, even if he’s supposed to be forbidden.

Just when I think the magic will happen a new wrinkle enters the picture. His name is Peter.

Why does everything have to be so difficult?



One damned complication after another.

Why is it every time I get close to her life forces us apart?

I’m haunted by our kiss, knowing it was wrong.

Sam is always in my thoughts and now a new problem has arisen.

Not only is she pulling away, Peter keeps coming around.

I can’t help but to see the jealousy. He is standing between me and the woman of my dreams.

And that just isn’t going to work.


The action is just heating up. If you enjoy steamy forbidden romances with curvy women and powerful men, you’ll love part three in Sam and Chris’ story!

Also by the Author

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