Love To Hate

From bestselling author Jean Stokes ❤️She is the young diner owner. He is the brooding sheriff. Together they must face the criminal targeting Charmed!❤️


Taking over her grandparents’ diner after they retired is a dream come true for Hayley, so she’s not going to let a robbery scare her off. She’s also not going to let that big handsome sheriff intimidate her either.

Why does he get such a kick out of hassling her customers and looming at her counter every morning?


He isn’t sure why everyone seems to love Hayley, the young woman who’s taken over Wheeler’s Diner. Sure, she’s pretty, but she’s way too independent for Warren and does not appreciate his help.

But when Hayley helps Warren’s daughter Jessie out with a problem, are his eyes opened to her appeal?

Now with Jessie pushing them together, there’s not much that could keep them apart—until a second robbery changes everything in their lives.

Can they team up to lay down the law in Charmed or will the criminal force them apart?

Also in the Series

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