Navy Seal Next Door

He knows I love him…Shit I Adore him! But when he has me alone, he always finds a new way to avoid me, to reject me and I lose control.
I always loved him, but he was my Brothers Best friend which with any little sister means off limits! He left for the Navy when he was seventeen and eleven years later… him coming home, I still felt the same.

Bumping into him the day he arrived home was something I had been waiting for, for ELEVEN FREAKING YEARS! But knowing Lance, he probably didn’t even read much meaning into it. I had imagined this day in my head so many times and I never knew it would happen like this.

He looked amazing. I could still feel his muscular arms that steadied me when I almost fell. And asides from the beard, there was no way I couldn’t recognize him. And when he touched me, when I looked into his eyes, my heart was on fire.

The reality is his world had been broken by abuse and tragedies which made him recluse from my feelings for him.
Little did I know the next few months would be the hardest and most intense months of my life…and his.

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