Wanting More
Abandoned by her mother.
Forced out of her home.
Rejected by her so called “uncle.”
It was safe to say life wasn’t looking so great.
Fine. Sapphire didn’t need them anyway. She would survive this crappy small town and endure the stares from the locals just until graduation, and then she was out of here and never looking back.
That was the plan, until they saw her. The Heathens.
Rough, violent, and ruthless, they laid claim to the town. They were fearless. Brutal. Unstoppable.
Giving her no choice, they pulled her into their world, telling her it was for her own good.
She was prepared to fight them every step of the way, to show them and anyone else in this damn town she was in control of her life and no one else. But she didn’t expect these two powerful men show her warmth. She didn’t expect them to look at her and truly see her.
Every day, she was getting pulled in more and more into their lives and further ensnared in this town.
She had to get out of here. She couldn’t focus on the need in their eyes or the clash of jealousy between them when it came to her. She had her plan, dammit. She had to get out of here. Didn’t she?
♥♥Warning: This slow burn has one girl and two ruthless men who will stop at nothing to have her in their world. This is book one of a duology. This book will end on a cliffhanger. This series has a HEA and contains graphic content.♥♥