A Fighting Chance

USA Today Bestselling Author Kat Savage brings you a small-town summer fling full of heat, heart, and hope that love gets a fighting chance.

Lyla Whitney

When my heartbroken little sister calls me in the middle of the night, I have no choice but to return home to our small-town family farm and assume the role of supportive big sister.

Nothing prepared me for the mixed feelings I have about being back, or the newest resident who seems hellbent on getting under my skin.

First impressions aside, Gentry Bodine is hot. And the poetic notes he leaves on my door? Good luck not melting when you read them. But he’s not part of my plan. And now I find myself tortured with indecision.

Gentry Bodine
I admit, I’ve had a crush on Lyla since before I ever met her. Seeing her photos, hearing stories about her, how could I not? Smart. Gorgeous. Sweet. Need I go on?

I might be mending a broken heart of my own, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting her. Even if it’s only for a fleeting summer. Even if it’s only for a little while.

I know she’s not here to stay. And I have no right to ask her to. But it doesn’t mean I don’t think about it. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to.

A Fighting Chance is a full-length contemporary romance novel and first in the series, A Chance at Love. Each book in the series features interconnected characters but can be read as a standalone. Each story is low angst, high steam, and all the feels.

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